Kathy, myself and Deb (not exactly young women!) |
I travelled to New Orleans a week ago (post Mardi Gras) to exhibit at the
C4YW (Conference for Young Women Affected by Breast Cancer), as a representative for MBCN. Metastatic Breast Cancer Network has
always attended this conference as part of our mission to reach out to
all those with metastatic breast cancer. But, I was a newbie, a little
wary of being drowned in Pinkness, since the conference is meant for
young women at all stages of breast cancer. I was pleasantly surprised.
Yes, there was more than enough pink hoopla and celebration. The guy with the pink cowboy
hat, sporting a pink bra, (known as the Second Base Man--get it?) was parading around, but mercifully we avoided
him. And there were more than a few people advocating to save the
boobies, move beyond boobs, keep a breast, etc, etc. And I’m sure many
of the survivors don’t realize that 20-30% of them will be joining our
not-so-popular club.
But, to get to the good part: a few workshops were offered for
metastatic patients and at our booth we met the most wonderful young
women! We had time to hear their stories and struggles, to offer advice,
to share resources and information. I feel bad enough to have been
diagnosed Stage IV at age 58 (the median age), but it’s sobering to meet
young women with metastatic disease who say:
“I was 29 when diagnosed.”
“I was pregnant when diagnosed.”
“I have two kids, ages 3 and 1.”
These women are concerned, worried, overwhelmed, but also vibrant, determined and strong.
It renewed my spirit to meet them and increased my commitment to MBCN
and to advocating for more research and more answers to what causes
metastases and how we stop it; to raising awareness that breast cancer
is not a pretty pink cheerleading event and early detection is not the cure; and to helping all those newly
diagnosed with mbc to have the information they need to make the best
treatment and lifestyle choices and be their own best advocate.
To my shock, even the pink cowboy, who is a strong Komen supporter
and disciple of the positive pink, early detection-mammogram message,
tweeted this on Saturday: “Because my cancer is metastatic, don’t treat
me like I’m a dead man walking.” Hey, sounds like he understands our side of the breast cancer story. Is the pink haze clearing a bit? Is the message about metastatic
disease slowly getting out there?